
طريقة ابتكار دراجة أو زلاجة كهربائية بكل بساطة طريقة لأحد الاطفال المبتكرين

طريقة ابتكار دراجة أو زلاجة كهربائية بكل بساطة طريقة لأحد الاطفال المبتكرين

How To Make A Electric Longboard Easy

How To Make A Electric Longboard Easy. DIY World’s fastest Drill Longboard! Today I’m going to recycle my old baby bike, and build world fastest longboard with drill engine. Powered by the most powerful cordless drill in the world the Milwaukee cordless drill M18 Fuel FPD-502C. In this step by step video i will show you how to make a super fast longboard faster than you can buy in many shops. This is probably the easiest and cheapest way to make electric longboard if you have a drill.This YouTube video also contains
High speed driving scenes and demo.I only use the first gear on the drill in this video and it can go a lot faster that i can show you. Milwaukee M18fpd-502c (1. gear 0-550 Rounds per minute ) (2. gear 0-2000 Rounds per minute) But I really think
I made an speed world record in this video with a drill as motor on a longboard. 

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The things you need for this project :
A baby bike with 12 inches wheels.
A pair of longboard wheels.
A wooden plank 95 cm.
A cordless drill.

This video is copyrighted :
Kim Henriksen.


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